STxT: Semantic TexT
The Ultimate Language

Do you want to make a donation to the project? At the moment, we only have PayPal available for this, although in the future we may accept other methods.

Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Why Donate?

I could give you many reasons: the investment we’ve made, server maintenance, the work done, bandwidth, translations... and while I do hope that these investments can be recouped (someday :-D) through advertising or other sponsors, this is not the main reason.

Donations are for us. For making this project free and giving it to the community. For having created it and put all our effort into it. All our work is released. You are free to use it. To make money. To take advantage of it. But if you truly believe it has been a useful contribution, a donation will be greatly appreciated.

You set the price. We give you STxT.