STxT: The Book
The Ultimate Language

Chapter 7: Parsing STxT (*)

Parsing an STxT file is much easier than parsing files from other technologies. It may seem paradoxical, since it is actually a very powerful language, but at the same time, it is based on very simple principles.

I will explain my way of parsing a file. It may not be the best or most optimal method, but it is one way to do it. In fact, if you want to see the implementation I have made, it is available online:

This implementation has been done in Java, as it is the language I am most familiar with.

I hope that STxT is successful, and that other implementations appear very soon.

I will not go into all the details, but I would like to explain some points that require more attention.

If you do not intend to implement a parser, do not continue reading. The next chapter is much more interesting ;-)

Generic Process

Line-by-line Parsing

The parsing process can be done line by line, so we can say that, in general, we have:

while not end of file
	read line
	process line
end while

During the process, it is advisable to have a list of the last nodes we have encountered according to the level, as this is crucial for correct processing.

Line Processing

The first step in line processing is the normalization of the line. A line is normalized when it is in compact (or semi-compact) form, so we need to check if it is, and if not, transform it. During normalization, comment lines are also removed.

Keep in mind that if the previous node was a text node, it will be part of that same node when it reaches a certain level. In other words, it will be continued text. It will also be part of it if it does not reach the level, but the line is completely blank, in which case it will be translated into text with a line break ([[chapter_06.html#index_9|See advanced tutorial]]).

Once we have compacted the line, processing continues independently, and all that remains is to obtain the level of the new line and distinguish between a few cases:

In each case, we update the state of our variables and proceed with the process.

Note: The most important thing here is to see that this is a process that can be done line by line, and the decisions to be made are relatively simple. This allows us to have a very efficient parser, which can also act as a grammar and node validator.


Validations are performed at various points in the parsing process:

When is a node considered closed? This is an interesting point, as there are two circumstances that cause a node to be considered closed. One of them is when another node with an equal or lower level appears. The other is when the entire file has been processed and there are no more nodes to validate. At these points, the node is considered closed, and validations can begin.

Language Nodes

In the language description, we mentioned that data types have no limitations and are not tied to a specific language, so validations should only be checked using regular expressions or methods that ensure this.

We have the following node types:

For example, the regular expressions we could use to validate nodes are:

BINARY       = ^(0|1|\s)+$
BOOLEAN      = ^0|1$
HEXADECIMAL  = ^([a-f0-9]|\s)+$
INTEGER      = ^(\-|\+)?\d+$
NATURAL      = ^\d+$
NUMBER       = ^(\-|\+)?\d+\.\d+(e(\-|\+)?\d+)?$
RATIONAL     = ^(\-|\+)?\d+\/\d+$



Grammars are obtained from the Internet, but it is neither practical nor efficient to have to fetch definitions remotely every time. The most efficient strategy is to have a kind of grammar repository, on disk, and always fetch them from there. If not found, they would be fetched from the Internet, and that repository would be updated. It is also possible to set verification times or other strategies. The idea is that grammars do not change over time, or at least they should be backward compatible.

Initial Grammar

Keep in mind that it is not possible to create a parser without having the grammar beforehand. To parse a grammar, you need the definition of the base grammar already parsed. For this reason, there will be an initial grammar definition in the code itself.

Details to Consider

There are some details to consider in parsing: