Document ( STXT: The Book Default: Title: STXT: The Book Navigation: Previous: Previous (00-prologo) Next: Next (01-intro-2024) SubHeader: Part I: A New Language Content: * [Chapter 1: What is STxT?](01-stxt-language) * [Chapter 2: STxT Tutorial](02-stxt-tutorial) * [Chapter 3: AI-Powered](03-ai-powered) SubHeader: Part II: Documents Content: * [Chapter 4: Documents Without Namespace](04-raw-docs) * [Chapter 5: Documents With Namespace](05-ns-docs) * [Chapter 6: Examples](06-examples) * [Chapter 7: Document Parsing](07-parser) SubHeader: Part III: Reflections Content: * [Chapter 8: STxT and Other Technologies](08-stxt-vs) * [Chapter 9: Semantic Web](09-semantic-web) * [Chapter 10: What Now?](10-stxt-now)